Saturday, May 7, 2022

Caught Up

Hey Y'all

So, I realized something with this class. If you don't do any work for three weeks, you can pretty much catch up in a day or so. That's what I did and it's been stressful, but not bad. As long as you just set aside a few hours and just work on everything you'll be good. I just finished the exam and the powerpoint exam so that's cool, but I just can't wait to be done with this class.

But besides that, last weeks movie was Final Destination. Here's this weeks:

So, this movie is about this dude who was really good at his job, but then one day, he got into a car accident and ended up losing function in his hands, which he needed for his job. Well, there was no cure to fix his hands, so he went out to find enlightenment and ended up getting magical powers and he was forced to safe the world from this cosmic threat. 

Have fun people!

It is what it is

Peace Out People

Sunday, May 1, 2022

After Sickness

Hey Y'all,

I'm feeling a lot better, but my nose is still acting up. What sucks about that is that I'm now snoring. I don't snore when I can breath through my nose, but when it's stuffy as it is, I tend to snore and it sucks. I hate it. But, I'm getting over it slowly, my boyfriend is getting very annoyed by me blowing my nose every five minutes though, but he'll be fine. 

Last weeks movie was Free Guy. It was a cute movie, I enjoyed it. This weeks movie is going to be a little tough or super easy because I haven't seen it in a while so it'll be fun to see what comes out of my head for this movie.

So, this movie starts off at a college I believe and this class or something was going on a school trip for spring break I believe and as they are all getting on the plane, one of the students starts to have a panic attack saying that the plane is going to crash, so a group of them get off the plane and then as the plane takes off, it does crash and everybody on the plane died. The movie goes on and death is after the remaining people that should have died in the plane, and one by one the remaining people end up dying. 

Well, that's it people, have fun!

It is what it is.

Peace Out People!

Sunday, April 24, 2022


Hey Y'all,

So, since Thursday, I have been sick. I think it's just allergizes, but they have been killing me. I have been coughing and sneezing non-stop and I just want the sweet embrace of death, but of course, I'm not that lucky because I am alive enough to do a blog. But anyways, here is another movie.

Last weeks movie was "Us". It was a great movie. But here is this weeks.

This movie starts off with this dude in this world where it's just violence and chaos, people are killing people, there's tanks, rockets and everything is above the law. Well, when the dude starts to make up his own mind, he didn't want the world to be chaos anymore. So, he put it into his own hands and tried to make the world better as he also tried to win the heart of the girl of his dreams. But after a while, he soon realized that his world was a lie and that everything was fake, but he still needed to save his world so that he could live on.

It is what it is

Peace Out People

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Power Point and Movies

PowerPoint formatting is super important and effective because when you are building your presentation. I learned how to move slides from second spot to the third spot without coping it or changing anything. Just click and slide. 

Last weeks movie was Sleeping Beauty. Congrats on everybody who got it right. Good luck with this week!

The movie starts off with this little girl at a carnival with her parents. She ends up wondering off and going into this mirror maze and she meets herself. Her parents end up finding her, but years later she's with her own family of a husband and two kids. They ended up going on a family vacation to the same area that she had her incident when she was a child. She became super paranoid about somebody following her and she ended up being right because somebody did come after her and her family and it was their shadow version of themselves. The shadows started to try and take over the world and the family had to fight themselves to stay alive.

Have fun! It is what it is.

Peace Out People 

Sunday, April 10, 2022

What I Did Today!

Today I took my beautiful cat to the vet to get her butt shaved. Then, my boyfriend and I cooked our first homemade breakfast together, which was just bacon, eggs, French toast and apple juice! It came out super good so I hope y'all are jealous. Then my lovely boyfriend, surprised me by taking me out to go-karts which he beat me all three races, but it's okay because I beat him two out of three at Trivia Crack and I beat him twice at air hockey, which he is still salty about. But, he did want me to add that he beat me at Billiards. After that, we went to the movies and saw Morbius, which was disappointing. 

Last weeks movie guess was Shawshank Redemption! Here's this weeks movie guess!

In this movie, there is a little girl that was born and this evil person put a spell on her that she will fall into a deep sleep when she turns 18. The girl had to move away from her family in order to protect the girl form the evil woman. The girl grew up with three fairy's and fell in love with a boy. But then, the girl ended up away from the fairy's somehow and the evil woman got to her and put her into the coma. The dude wanted to save his love so he went to go find her, fought a dragon and found her in the top of a tower. He gave her a kiss and it woke her up from the coma. 

It is what it is

Peace Out People

Monday, April 4, 2022

Spring Break Brain

I can't wait for Spring Break. I've been slacking on homework and assignments because I'm just worn out and just want Spring Break to get here. UNLV had their Spring Break four weeks ago... Why couldn't we have had our Spring Break four weeks ago?! But due to me being like this, I forgot to do my blog for last week so here it is! I'll be doing another one for this week Saturday! I can't wait for Spring Break! 

The movie from two weeks ago was Moana, as always, congrats to all who got it! Here's this movie guess~!

The beginning starts out with this guy coming home to his wife cheating on him. The dude ended up leaving his place to get drunk and while he was doing that, some other person came in and killed his wife and her lover. The police got there and pinned the murder on the dude, even though he was framed. He ended up going to prison and he met some people and became friends with the inmates. One of the people there ended up getting out, but he pretty much grew up in prison so when he got out he was old and wasn't used to the world and ended up committing suicide, another person got out and lived a free life and the dude who was framed ended up escaping prison and ended up living the rest of his life in Mexico. 

It is what it is

Peace Out People

Saturday, March 26, 2022


In excel, the best part of it is the formulas. They are super easy to use once you know how to do them. I used to use the sum formula a lot at my old job and I even created a lot of formulas in excel as well. My co-workers would go up to me all the time to do the formulas because it is a skill set that everybody doesn't know and it's great when you learn it.

The movie from last week was Lord of the Rings. It was a good movie, but there was just a lot of walking in the show and Frodo was pretty useless throughout the entire three movies. 

This movie starts off with a battle between the gods and the good god ended up waking up and she was very upset with that and ended up being evil. Then the movie starts again with a little girl always wanting to go swimming but the family won't let her. So, as she grew up, she realized that her family was in danger so she goes to sail in the ocean. She ends up meeting a demi-god who is pretty much useless, but she realizes that he caused all the problems, so they go to the evil god to try and put her back to sleep, which they do and she ends up saving the day and her family was able to enjoy the ocean once again.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Missing Title

Hey Y'all

Me again, the movie from last week was indeed, Jaws. It was a great movie, probably the reason why I'm terrified of the ocean, but it is what it is. But here's another great movie for y'all to guess so have fun!

So, there was this item that was all powerful. There was multiple of these items, but this one was more special then the rest. Anyways, this powerful item was lost throughout time and history until one day it was discovered by an unlikely fellow. He took care of the item, but soon the item betrayed him since the item wanted to go back to the original owner. So this other character that kind of reminds me of a dog, gets the item and realizes what the item is, so him and a few others go out to try to destroy the item. Along the way, the group finds more people to travel with them and one person dies a dumb death and yea. I haven't technically finished the move yet, still have 30 minutes to go, but yea. Have fun!

It is what it is

Peace Out People

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Movie Guesses

So, last week, the movie that described was the movie Baby Drive. My boyfriend recently showed me this movie and it's one of his favorites, so I had to share it to the world. I told my boyfriend to give me a movie and he gave me this one so good luck!

This movie starts off with these people in the water and something comes up from underneath and attacks them. I believe everybody dies in the beginning, but then this dude's son went out to the water and he was almost attacked as well. The dude was tired of all the attacks so him and a team of fishermen went on a boat to go and kill the creature. Everybody again almost dies, but the main dude and then the creature ended up exploding. 

So, that's all I can remember from the movie, so good luck everybody!

It is what it is

Peace Out People!

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Themes, Styles, and Templates/Movie


Learning about the different themes, styles and templates in Microsoft Word was really cool. I found that I could really personalize my papers to make them really look pretty. I was able to apply the different themes, styles and templates for my economic paper that I had to do. The teacher might not have appreciate my crazy styles, but I liked it and it was very pretty. 


Last weeks movie was Pokemon: The First Movie. I want to give a shout out to the one person that got it! Proud of you! But as always, I got a new movie for y'all so have fun!

This movie starts off with a guy driving these three other people. The three people get out of the car and head over to a near by bank to rob it. While they were robing it, the driver was rocking out to music and when the people were done robbing the bank, they get into the car and the driver speeds away. He was getting chased by the cops, but after amazing driving skills, he avoids them and all four of them gets away. After passing out the money, you learn in the movie that the main dude listens to music all the time and he ended up getting in the gang (well it's not really a gang, but he's apart of it, but it's still not a gang) anyways, he is part of it because he stole the leaders car and ended up losing a lot of money from the guy and is now paying the guy back by doing jobs. But this guy when not doing jobs, is taking care of his deaf and old god-father, which is really sweet. But he meets a girl that he instantly falls in love with and it's adorable. Well, pretty much he ends up getting in trouble with the gang (still not a gang, but whatever), and he pretty much ends up killing everybody to get away. Him and his girl starts driving away together, but there was soon a road block that he could very easily avoid, but instead, he gives himself up and ends up getting 25 years, but with a chance of parole after 5 years.

This is the movie, what's sad is I just watched this movie and this is pretty much all I can remember about it, so, good luck!

It is what it is

Peace Out

Thursday, February 24, 2022



Why am I in this class?

I'm in this class to expand my horizons when it comes to Microsoft. I see Microsoft as a challenge and I plan to overcome that challenge of Microsoft. After doing some of the Labsim, I quickly realized that there is a lot of stuff in just Word alone, that I did not know about. This class is a lot, it's no joke.

What is my proudest moment in this class?

I think my proudest moment hasn't happened yet. My proudest moment will be when I finish and pass this class. I get to walk out those classroom doors and never show up to the class ever again. I think that will be my proudest moment because I passed a 101 class.


Last weeks movie was Shutter Island. It's a great movie that doesn't tell you what the true ending is about. You get your own opinion of the ending. This weeks movie is fun for me, it's an animated movie that is beautiful whenever you watch it.

So, the movie starts out with this 12 year old kid going to the local scientist who studies these monsters that roam the world. The kid ends up being friends with one of the monsters and starts to travel the world. Well, while on his adventure, he befriends more monsters and become friends with people along the way. He fights off some bad guys with the monsters that he befriends and during the adventure, he finds out that some of the bad scientist created a very powerful monster. They kept the monster captive and tortured him. The monster ended up breaking out and swore to take vengeance on humans and kill them all. Well, this 12 year old kid shows up, starts to fight this powerful monster. The kid sees that his first monster friend was about to get killed from the powerful monster, so the kid runs up to block the attack. He ends up dying and everybody is sad, the monsters are sad and everybody cries. The powerful monster sees how this kid was so loved to where he decides that humans aren't so bad and some how brings the kid back to life.

This the movie, I haven't seen this movie since probably 2005-ish? So, this what I remember of the movie, I don't know if everything is right, but whatever. Have fun guessing! 

It is what it is

Peace Out People

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Dream I Had

Hey Y'all

So, I had a dream the other day about my family. I was with my step dad's nephews and they were playing basketball in a warehouse type setting with other little kids. I was just sitting there minding my own business, when the kids ran up to me and asked me to be on their team. I was only wearing flipflops and so I had to go through the store side of the warehouse to find a pair of shoes, but they didn't have my size. It took me forever to find shoes to where my step dad's nephews came up to me to ask what was taking so long and they started to yell at me. That was my dream.

I know last weeks movie guess was difficult for most, shout-out to the one person who guessed the movie correctly! You da man! Last weeks movie was Monty Python and the Holy Grail! One of the best dumb movies out there! I have seen that movie multiple times and every time I view it, I just laugh. It's just one of my secret joys in life. But here is this weeks movie!

This movie starts off with a detective dude with his rookie side kick on a boat heading to a mental place. This place is insane (literally), but it's in the middle of nowhere and it's just insane people in this place. So, this detective dude is there to try and expose the secrets of the facility, but while he's there he is eating the food, drinking the water and smoking their cigarettes. While in this place, he starts to have dreams or flash backs of his past about his wife and kids. He starts to question his own sanity and while he's about to discover the facilities secrets, the warden of the facility tells him that he's one of the patients here and that he's a mentally insane person as well. Of course, the detective dude doesn't believe it and his rookie partner tries to tell him that he is his doctor and that he's taking care of him. At the end of the movie, you are left with questioning life of which is real? Did the facility make him insane? Was he already insane? Who knows!

So, that's this weeks movie and as always, next week is the answer, so stay tune!

As always, it is what it is.

Peace Out People!

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Application Software/Movie Guess

Application Software

Application software, or app for short, is software that performs specific tasks for an end-user. Application software is distinct from system software, which refers to the software that actually keeps the systems running such as the operating system, computational science software, game engines, industrial automation, and software as a service applications. App software programs are specific in their functionality and do the job that they are designed to do. For instance, a browser is an application used specifically for browsing the internet. 

Movie Guess

The last movie was Paranormal Activity. That series is one of my favorite because it's all connected in a single story. Here is the next movie.

This movie starts in the medieval time, but it's different because instead of riding on a horse, the main guy has a person behind him clicking coconuts together to make it sound like they are riding horses and they are galloping like they are riding on horses. Anyways, God speaks down to the main guy and says that he has a special quest for him to get something. The guy then starts his quest and along the way, he is met with very interesting characters. One of the main characters in the movie kills a dude that was doing a documentary and the police was called and was doing an investigation. One character is a wizard that needs help defeating this horrible beast, when it's just a rabbit, but the rabbit kills at least three people in the movie. Then they are getting chased by a dragon, but the animator for the dragon has a heart attack in the middle of it and dies as well as the dragon. The movie ends with them almost getting to the item that God wanted them to find, for all the characters to get arrested by the police and the movie ends.

I know that this sounds like the writings of a mad-woman, but if you know this movie, you will completely understand where I am coming from. This is a very hard movie to try and figure out so I'm interested in the comments. 

It is what it is

Peace Out People

Saturday, February 5, 2022

History of Computers/Movie Guess

History of Computers

The history of computers started back over 200 years ago. It first started as a theory by mathematicians and entrepreneurs during the 19th century. In 1848, Ada Lovelace wrote the worlds first computer program. Jumping to 1937, John Atanasoff invented the first electric-only computer. Then closer to this world today, in 1976 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak co-founded Apple Computer. I know that I jump around, but I'm just listing what is important to me. Pretty much, the history of computers is still going on to this day. Now we have 8K UHD (7680 x 4320) resolution and it looks amazing compared to the first ever tv which had no color. We are still going up in the world today and inventing new computers and new software. 

Movie Guess

Thank you for everybody who guessed. I know it was an easy one last week or at least I thought where one person said it was Batman, but the movie from last week is Nacho Libre. This week might be a little harder though.

This movie starts off with a woman pulling up the driveway and finding her boyfriend holding a huge camera. She questions him on why he has the camera and he says that he's going to start filming the house because of the weird stuff that's been going around. After a few weeks or so, the weird stuff in the house is increasing. Soon, there was thumping noises and things disappearing in the house. The couple started to be more agitated and more annoyed with one another which is just making the bad things worse. Near the end of the movie, the girlfriend gets dragged down the stairs and ends up acting weird afterwards. Her boyfriend wanted to move out of the house and at first she agrees, but when it was time to leave, she declines and they end up staying at the house. That night, she gets up from she sleep in a catatonia state. She goes downstairs and screams, waking up her boyfriend. You then hear another scream from the boyfriend and then silence. After a few minutes, you hear somebody going up the stairs. You then see the boyfriend getting thrown at the camera and you see the girlfriend standing at the doorway bloody. The movie ends and you see that the boyfriends body was found three days later by the police and the girlfriend was never found.

Have fun with this movie! It's one of my favorites! 

It is what it is

Peace Out People

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Guess The Movie

Hey Y'all,

So, because I usually have nothing to write about when it comes to the blog, I'm going to be starting a game. I am known to be horrible at describing movies. I usually remember very specific details of the movie or just miss the entire concept of the movie. So, our game that we are going to play is that I describe a movie and you guess the movie in the comments below. I will post what movie it is in the next post. So, here we go.

The movie starts off with this poor Hispanic male, who lives and works at an orphanage. His dream was to become a wrestler. So, him and his buddy goes and joins the local wrestling tournament. Of course, these two had no training and they were just pretending to wrestle in the backyard, so you would think that they would lose, but somehow they win. Oh, he was also trying to get money to save the orphanage because it was going bankrupt. 

That's all I can remember of the movie, so good luck. I can't wait to read your comments. And as always,

It is what it is.

Peace Out People

Saturday, January 22, 2022

My College Life/First Blog

Hello Y'all,

This is my first time doing a blog, (blogging? Blogger? Am I a blogger now? Am I now in the category of blogger?). I don't know if I want to be categorized as a blogger, but here I am. Blogging. I guess I'll do my first blog about my life as a college student and see where that takes me. I have been going to college since the fall of 2015. I first went to school at Nevada School of Massage Therapy. It was a trade school, but I still consider it as college since that was the start of my college career. I went to Massage School for 7 1/2 months and got my massage license. After working for half a year, I realized that massage is something that I didn't want to do. I had a horrible boss and my body was quickly breaking down on me from doing massages eight hours a day for five days a week. That's when I decided to go to CSN for the first time. I believe I took three classes and I ended up dropping one of them. Honestly, I don't remember how the beginning of my college life started. It's pretty much all a blur to me. But I went to UNLV and that's where I fell in love with college and learning. UNLV to me is where I love to learn. The atmosphere is more welcoming and you are more aware of the learning environment then at CSN. 

I ran out of things to say so, Imma do a thing. Since I have been forced/accepted into the blogger category, might as well be the cringe YouTuber as well. If you like to see more of what I post please follow me and if there's anything you would like me to blog about please comment and I will do it on my next blog. It can be about anything and I will do my best to blog about it with as little information I have about said topic. It'll be fun. 

Also, every YouTuber/Blogger has a catchphrase. So, here's mine.

It is what it is.

Peace Out People.