Monday, April 4, 2022

Spring Break Brain

I can't wait for Spring Break. I've been slacking on homework and assignments because I'm just worn out and just want Spring Break to get here. UNLV had their Spring Break four weeks ago... Why couldn't we have had our Spring Break four weeks ago?! But due to me being like this, I forgot to do my blog for last week so here it is! I'll be doing another one for this week Saturday! I can't wait for Spring Break! 

The movie from two weeks ago was Moana, as always, congrats to all who got it! Here's this movie guess~!

The beginning starts out with this guy coming home to his wife cheating on him. The dude ended up leaving his place to get drunk and while he was doing that, some other person came in and killed his wife and her lover. The police got there and pinned the murder on the dude, even though he was framed. He ended up going to prison and he met some people and became friends with the inmates. One of the people there ended up getting out, but he pretty much grew up in prison so when he got out he was old and wasn't used to the world and ended up committing suicide, another person got out and lived a free life and the dude who was framed ended up escaping prison and ended up living the rest of his life in Mexico. 

It is what it is

Peace Out People


  1. It's okay to be worn out and just want Spring Break to get here :-)

    May you recharge and jump ahead in the IS101 coursework during Spring Break ^_^

    Shawshank Redemption!

  2. Spring break already feels like its over ugh

  3. The nice thing is CSN's Spring Break is actually during real spring...a lot of universities go for break in mid-March, when it's too cold to do anything. It doesn't even feel like spring outside, at that point in time.

  4. Either way, I am glad my work schedule has their spring break the same time as ours because that means I don't have to go to work during my break, yay!

  5. I am sooo excited for Spring break. I just need one week of not having to worry about school.

  6. I wanna say it's a Harrison Ford movie, I can't remember the name. Not sure though.

  7. I don't know the movie, but I also can't wait for spring break. I use Spring break to get caught up on school work.

  8. Deep Waters? I heard that CSN is going back to their usual spring break timing next spring!

  9. Spring break! I'm probably just going to use the time to catch up on homework and other personal goals.

  10. My response is delayed. Spring break is now over, but I hope you had some rest and ready to finish off the semester with a bang.

  11. I had no hope for spring break. Life is constantly throwing curve balls, I'm just ready for the end of the semester.
