Sunday, April 24, 2022


Hey Y'all,

So, since Thursday, I have been sick. I think it's just allergizes, but they have been killing me. I have been coughing and sneezing non-stop and I just want the sweet embrace of death, but of course, I'm not that lucky because I am alive enough to do a blog. But anyways, here is another movie.

Last weeks movie was "Us". It was a great movie. But here is this weeks.

This movie starts off with this dude in this world where it's just violence and chaos, people are killing people, there's tanks, rockets and everything is above the law. Well, when the dude starts to make up his own mind, he didn't want the world to be chaos anymore. So, he put it into his own hands and tried to make the world better as he also tried to win the heart of the girl of his dreams. But after a while, he soon realized that his world was a lie and that everything was fake, but he still needed to save his world so that he could live on.

It is what it is

Peace Out People


  1. Get well soon and get back into IS101-3010, Kelsey :-)

    No idea what movie it might be.

  2. Same, my allergies have me sneezing very often. I have been wearing my mask again just because of my bad allergies.

  3. I don't know what the movie is, but curious to find out.

  4. My allergies have been hitting me especially hard in the morning.

    It's kind of amazing how hard and fast they came back once I moved back here, actually.

  5. Allergies are tough, I know how annoying they can be.

  6. Dramatic... jkjk u gonna be alright Cuzzo. And I don't know the movie

  7. For the first time I have no clue what this movie is, not enough details.

  8. I hate feeling sick! I only get sick once a year and it feels like I'm dying lol.

  9. Yes! Us was a great movie. Is the movie this week Free Guy with Ryan Reynolds? I just watched it about a month ago, I enjoyed it.

  10. Oh my!!! I hope you get well soon.

  11. Allergies suck! But, I'm glad I do not have it as bad as my mom.
