Saturday, February 19, 2022

Dream I Had

Hey Y'all

So, I had a dream the other day about my family. I was with my step dad's nephews and they were playing basketball in a warehouse type setting with other little kids. I was just sitting there minding my own business, when the kids ran up to me and asked me to be on their team. I was only wearing flipflops and so I had to go through the store side of the warehouse to find a pair of shoes, but they didn't have my size. It took me forever to find shoes to where my step dad's nephews came up to me to ask what was taking so long and they started to yell at me. That was my dream.

I know last weeks movie guess was difficult for most, shout-out to the one person who guessed the movie correctly! You da man! Last weeks movie was Monty Python and the Holy Grail! One of the best dumb movies out there! I have seen that movie multiple times and every time I view it, I just laugh. It's just one of my secret joys in life. But here is this weeks movie!

This movie starts off with a detective dude with his rookie side kick on a boat heading to a mental place. This place is insane (literally), but it's in the middle of nowhere and it's just insane people in this place. So, this detective dude is there to try and expose the secrets of the facility, but while he's there he is eating the food, drinking the water and smoking their cigarettes. While in this place, he starts to have dreams or flash backs of his past about his wife and kids. He starts to question his own sanity and while he's about to discover the facilities secrets, the warden of the facility tells him that he's one of the patients here and that he's a mentally insane person as well. Of course, the detective dude doesn't believe it and his rookie partner tries to tell him that he is his doctor and that he's taking care of him. At the end of the movie, you are left with questioning life of which is real? Did the facility make him insane? Was he already insane? Who knows!

So, that's this weeks movie and as always, next week is the answer, so stay tune!

As always, it is what it is.

Peace Out People!


  1. A dream where you got yelled at? Hope you have better dreams than that :-)

    No idea what the movie might be, sounds like a psychological thriller.

  2. Shutter Island is the movie, and that's one crazy dream, I wish I could say I had a similar one, I don't really dream much.

  3. I feel like I dream, but at the same time I don't know what I dream about. I don't know the movie, but that reminds me of a video game called Outlast. I never played it because I was too scared, but it is definitely thrilling when watching other people play it.

  4. I don't know that movie but sounds interesting. I don't really remember my dreams but when I do it's the most vivid.

  5. I was gearing up to see what further outcome was in your dream. too bad it ended with you getting yelled at.

  6. Yes Shutter Island with Leonardo DiCaprio, crazy movie. I need to watch it again as it's been some years.

  7. Ever since the pandemic started, that "not having my size" nightmare has become more of a reality in waking life for me...or they do have my size, at 150% mark up.

    Which is actually still a nightmare.

  8. I feel like I have seen this and I hope I am right. It has been a long time since I watched it last. Is the movie Shutter Island?

  9. The movie is shutter island with Leonardo DiCaprio. Yep, that movie sure make you wonder in the end.

  10. I love Shutter Island! Such a great film.

  11. Oooh I actually knew this one before reading the comments for the answer! I used to be scared of Shutter Island when I saw it when I was younger, but its a good movie!

  12. Dreams are weird I feel like I have really life like dreams and then I forget them the next day. The movie would be shudder Island I like a lot of Leonardo DiCaprio movies that one is no exception.

  13. Geez I have not watched that movie in a while! I think I also watched this movie once when it came out in like 2010!
