Saturday, January 22, 2022

My College Life/First Blog

Hello Y'all,

This is my first time doing a blog, (blogging? Blogger? Am I a blogger now? Am I now in the category of blogger?). I don't know if I want to be categorized as a blogger, but here I am. Blogging. I guess I'll do my first blog about my life as a college student and see where that takes me. I have been going to college since the fall of 2015. I first went to school at Nevada School of Massage Therapy. It was a trade school, but I still consider it as college since that was the start of my college career. I went to Massage School for 7 1/2 months and got my massage license. After working for half a year, I realized that massage is something that I didn't want to do. I had a horrible boss and my body was quickly breaking down on me from doing massages eight hours a day for five days a week. That's when I decided to go to CSN for the first time. I believe I took three classes and I ended up dropping one of them. Honestly, I don't remember how the beginning of my college life started. It's pretty much all a blur to me. But I went to UNLV and that's where I fell in love with college and learning. UNLV to me is where I love to learn. The atmosphere is more welcoming and you are more aware of the learning environment then at CSN. 

I ran out of things to say so, Imma do a thing. Since I have been forced/accepted into the blogger category, might as well be the cringe YouTuber as well. If you like to see more of what I post please follow me and if there's anything you would like me to blog about please comment and I will do it on my next blog. It can be about anything and I will do my best to blog about it with as little information I have about said topic. It'll be fun. 

Also, every YouTuber/Blogger has a catchphrase. So, here's mine.

It is what it is.

Peace Out People.


  1. So you found the atmosphere at my alma mater, UNLV, more welcoming than that of CSN, interesting ^_^

    Blogger is a required part of the course, 'YouTuber' is not as you are not required to publish any videos to YouTube.

    Welcome to IS101-3010, Spring 2022, Kelsey :-)

  2. That is so awesome that you are continuing your educational pursuit, and hopefully you don't stop anytime soon. Honestly this is my first time blogging too so let's see how it goes.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree! I don't think in a million years I would have ever thought I'd be writing a blog. I appreciate you sharing, and am glad to know I was not the only one who felt awkward and a bit cringey while writing a blog for the first time. Can't wait to meet everyone in person!

  4. Proud of you cuzzo. Who knows you could be the next blog sensation.

  5. Glad to hear that you realized early on that you did not enjoy your profession and choose to take the steps needed to find something better. Many people will stay at a job/career that they hate for many years and never do anything except complain.

  6. I believe this is what college is for. To explore and find something that will make us happy instead of being stuck in a career we don't like. I know I am one that had a hard time to declare a major because everything caught my attention.

  7. When I was young my parents used to ask me to give them massages. They used to joke that I was getting so good at it that I should consider becoming a professional masseur. I heard they can make lots of money, but I wasn't too interested in doing it for a living. Sorry to hear that it had a negative effect on your body though! I hope you can find a way to remedy that and be back to full effectiveness.

    1. Hey, I just wanted to let you know, that in the massage world, if you called a massage therapist a masseur, they might get offended because a masseur gives happy-endings and usually doesn't have a license, but a massage therapist does not give happy-endings and they worked hard to get their license. Just so you know.

  8. I am transferring to UNLV after CSN and I am curious how the transition will be from what you have said. They do have different vibes. I am getting excited to transfer now haha.

  9. It's amazing how a boss can make or break a job for somebody...I've had both ends of the spectrum on that one, and it really makes a difference. You can end up hating a cherished career real quick, depending on who you answer to, and what they're like.

  10. Bad bosses suck! I am glad you are on to doing better things for you!

  11. I hope to transfer over to UNLV after I get my associates, so it's good to know that you had a positive experience there. I hear a lot of good things about the general atmosphere at UNLV.

  12. This is also my first time blogging, Kelsey. Hahaha. It felt scary at first, but now I feel like it is kind of cool. I like it.

  13. This is my first blog also. If it weren't for IS101 I wouldn't be blogging. I am not a talker so it's difficult to come up with what to say, although once I posted my first blog, I was super excited. I like what you said about UNLV because I am also transferring there.

  14. I like your writing style. Its different and fast. Think I am really going to like your writing this semester.

  15. This is also my first time using a blog and I think it is useful to share your life with others.

  16. I'm glad you decided to go back and try something new! A lot of people would just accept their decision and tolerate bad work environments.
