Saturday, May 7, 2022

Caught Up

Hey Y'all

So, I realized something with this class. If you don't do any work for three weeks, you can pretty much catch up in a day or so. That's what I did and it's been stressful, but not bad. As long as you just set aside a few hours and just work on everything you'll be good. I just finished the exam and the powerpoint exam so that's cool, but I just can't wait to be done with this class.

But besides that, last weeks movie was Final Destination. Here's this weeks:

So, this movie is about this dude who was really good at his job, but then one day, he got into a car accident and ended up losing function in his hands, which he needed for his job. Well, there was no cure to fix his hands, so he went out to find enlightenment and ended up getting magical powers and he was forced to safe the world from this cosmic threat. 

Have fun people!

It is what it is

Peace Out People

Sunday, May 1, 2022

After Sickness

Hey Y'all,

I'm feeling a lot better, but my nose is still acting up. What sucks about that is that I'm now snoring. I don't snore when I can breath through my nose, but when it's stuffy as it is, I tend to snore and it sucks. I hate it. But, I'm getting over it slowly, my boyfriend is getting very annoyed by me blowing my nose every five minutes though, but he'll be fine. 

Last weeks movie was Free Guy. It was a cute movie, I enjoyed it. This weeks movie is going to be a little tough or super easy because I haven't seen it in a while so it'll be fun to see what comes out of my head for this movie.

So, this movie starts off at a college I believe and this class or something was going on a school trip for spring break I believe and as they are all getting on the plane, one of the students starts to have a panic attack saying that the plane is going to crash, so a group of them get off the plane and then as the plane takes off, it does crash and everybody on the plane died. The movie goes on and death is after the remaining people that should have died in the plane, and one by one the remaining people end up dying. 

Well, that's it people, have fun!

It is what it is.

Peace Out People!