Saturday, January 29, 2022

Guess The Movie

Hey Y'all,

So, because I usually have nothing to write about when it comes to the blog, I'm going to be starting a game. I am known to be horrible at describing movies. I usually remember very specific details of the movie or just miss the entire concept of the movie. So, our game that we are going to play is that I describe a movie and you guess the movie in the comments below. I will post what movie it is in the next post. So, here we go.

The movie starts off with this poor Hispanic male, who lives and works at an orphanage. His dream was to become a wrestler. So, him and his buddy goes and joins the local wrestling tournament. Of course, these two had no training and they were just pretending to wrestle in the backyard, so you would think that they would lose, but somehow they win. Oh, he was also trying to get money to save the orphanage because it was going bankrupt. 

That's all I can remember of the movie, so good luck. I can't wait to read your comments. And as always,

It is what it is.

Peace Out People

Saturday, January 22, 2022

My College Life/First Blog

Hello Y'all,

This is my first time doing a blog, (blogging? Blogger? Am I a blogger now? Am I now in the category of blogger?). I don't know if I want to be categorized as a blogger, but here I am. Blogging. I guess I'll do my first blog about my life as a college student and see where that takes me. I have been going to college since the fall of 2015. I first went to school at Nevada School of Massage Therapy. It was a trade school, but I still consider it as college since that was the start of my college career. I went to Massage School for 7 1/2 months and got my massage license. After working for half a year, I realized that massage is something that I didn't want to do. I had a horrible boss and my body was quickly breaking down on me from doing massages eight hours a day for five days a week. That's when I decided to go to CSN for the first time. I believe I took three classes and I ended up dropping one of them. Honestly, I don't remember how the beginning of my college life started. It's pretty much all a blur to me. But I went to UNLV and that's where I fell in love with college and learning. UNLV to me is where I love to learn. The atmosphere is more welcoming and you are more aware of the learning environment then at CSN. 

I ran out of things to say so, Imma do a thing. Since I have been forced/accepted into the blogger category, might as well be the cringe YouTuber as well. If you like to see more of what I post please follow me and if there's anything you would like me to blog about please comment and I will do it on my next blog. It can be about anything and I will do my best to blog about it with as little information I have about said topic. It'll be fun. 

Also, every YouTuber/Blogger has a catchphrase. So, here's mine.

It is what it is.

Peace Out People.